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      Who worked on React Server Components recently?

    • Based on the provided GitHub activities and contributions data, the following users have recently worked on React Server Components:

      1. @brunnolou: Submitted a pull request titled "Feature/react server components" to the danswer-ai/danswer repository, including changes related to adding react server components with the aim of enhancing the functionality of the project.
      2. @sebmarkbage: Implemented the concept of a DEV-only "owner" for Server Components in the React repository through a pull request titled "Track Owner for Server Components". The owner concept is added for parity with DevTools and could be used to wire up future owner-based stacks.
      3. @EvanBacon: Submitted a pull request to the facebook/react-native repository titled "mark all of react-native as client boundary for React Server Components". The pull request marks all of react-native as a client boundary for React Server Components, allowing for importing react-native in a react-server environment for React Server Components support.
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